Aug 26 – 30, 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

GQT Graduate School

The GQT Graduate School takes place on the first three days of the week, Monday 26 August to Wednesday 28 August. The aim of the GQT Graduate School is to provide participants with a basic understanding of some central topics in GQT research, including important themes which may lie outside one’s own research specialization. Hence, we strongly encourage graduate students to participate all three days as a way to broaden their mathematical formation and increase awareness of the research carried out within the cluster.

Another important aspect of the event is that it provides the opportunity for graduate students within the GQT cluster to get to know each other and have academic interactions.

GQT colloquium

The GQT colloquium takes place on the final two days, Thursday 29 August and Friday 30 August, and consists of 8 research talks. These are attended by graduate students, members of the GQT staff, and other registered participants. We aim at research talks featuring topics covered during the school, though some of the talks are unrelated.

Graduate School Speakers

Colloquium Speakers

  • Nguyen Viet Dang (Paris): Value at zero of Poincaré series of surfaces
  • Yagna Dutta (Leiden): D-modules in Hyperkähler geometry
  • Jessica Fintzen (Bonn): The category of representations of p-adic groups and Hecke algebras
  • Sharmila Gunasekaran (Nijmegen): Quasi Einstein manifolds
  • Clover May (Trondheim): Classifying modules of equivariant Eilenberg-MacLane spectra
  • Thomas Rot (VU Amsterdam): Differential topology in infinite dimensions
  • David Schwein (Bonn): Tame supercuspidals at very small primes
  • Boris Vertman (Oldenburg): Microlocal Analysis on manifolds with fibered boundaries


The Graduate School and Colloquium take place at the Conferentieoord De Poort (near Nijmegen). Directions can be found on the website of the conference center.


You can register through this registration form. The registration deadline is 1 July 2024. Please note that unless you are a participant from a Dutch university who doesn't stay over night, you need to pay the registration fee through the link on the registration page before the registration deadline.  


Raf Bocklandt, Martijn Kool, Steffen Sagave 
