10–14 Jul 2023
Radboud University Nijmegen
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Quantum Gravity Phenomenology II | Focus: CA18108 network: new challenges and opportunities for research in quantum gravity phenomenology

12 Jul 2023, 12:00
CC2 (Radboud University)


Radboud University

Mercatorpad 1 Nijmegen


Jose Manuel Carmona


The COST Action CA18108 was established with the aim of fostering the collaboration and synergies among diverse communities interested in the development and astrophysical testing of quantum gravity models. By combining expertises in theoretical models for quantum gravity effects and in the detection of the various cosmic messengers (gamma rays, neutrinos, cosmic rays, and gravitational waves), this network has started to explore exciting challenges in the field of quantum gravity phenomenology.

Noteworthy opportunities have arisen since the beginning of the Action, such as the first detection of Gamma Ray Bursts by Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), the discovery of PeVatrons within our galaxy, or the detection of a high-energy neutrino event compatible with the Glashow resonance. These achievements have showcased the potential of the ongoing collaboration between these communities. Together with the upgrades of various instruments, the future holds promising prospects for the exploration of new paths for discovering quantum gravity effects in the physics of the cosmic messengers.

This session is shared with the 4th Annual Conference COST CA18108 : Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach.

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