Jan 25 – 27, 2023
Lindenberg cultuurhuis
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Understanding the quantum properties of spacetime is a fascinating research area with many intriguing facets and open questions. The “CDT and Friends – Jubilee edition”-workshop will bring together the leading experts working on quantum field theory inspired approaches to quantum gravity, like Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT), to present their work and share their vision for future developments. The event will take place in a relaxed and informal atmosphere encouraging personal contacts and small group discussions seeded by key point talks by the invited speakers.

This is the second CDT & Friends event, 10 years after the commemorable first CDT & Friends in Dec 2012 in Nijmegen.

Invited speakers

  • J. Ambjorn (Niels Bohr I. & Radboud U.)
  • D. Anninos (King's College)
  • M. Aspelmeyer (U. Wien)
  • F. Barbero (IEM-CSIC, Madrid)
  • G. Barnich (ULB, Brussels)
  • D. Benedetti (École polytechnique)
  • M. Blencowe (Dartmouth College)
  • M. Bojowald (Penn State U.)
  • S. Carlip (UC Davis)
  • B. Dittrich (Perimeter I., Waterloo)
  • J. Donoghue (U. Mass. Amherst)
  • F. Dowker (Imperial College)
  • B. Durhuus (U. Copenhagen)
  • D. Giulini (U. Hannover)
  • A. Görlich (Jagiellonian U., Krakow)
  • G. 't Hooft (Utrecht U.)
  • I. Khavkine (Czech Ac. Sciences)
  • M. Niedermaier (U. Pittsburgh)
  • R. Percacci (SISSA, Trieste)
  • M. Reuter (U. Mainz)
  • M. Sakellariadou (King's College)
  • L. Smolin (Perimeter I., Waterloo)
  • S. Surya (Raman Research I.)
  • T. Thiemann (FAU, Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Scientific organizing committee

  • B. Bonga
  • T. Budd
  • B. Krishnan
  • F. Saueressig

Conference photo

Conference photo

CDT sculpture

CDT sculpture

During the celebration this CDT sculpture (glass & epoxy) by Simone van der Zande was unveiled.

Workshop poster


Poster image credits: Budd, Loll, Phys. Rev. D 88, 024015 (2013), Ambjorn, Drogosz, Gizbert-Studnicki, Görlich, Jurkiewicz, Németh, Class. Quantum Grav. 38 195030 (2021).

Lindenberg cultuurhuis
Ridderstraat 23, 6511 TM Nijmegen
Go to map

For any inquiries related to this event please contact the High Energy Physics secretariat:

Ardi Groenen & Gertie Verberk - HEP@ru.nl