10–14 Jul 2023
Radboud University Nijmegen
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Quantum geometry and entanglement from corner symmetry

13 Jul 2023, 16:00
CC3 (Radboud University)


Radboud University

Mercatorpad 1 Nijmegen


Laurent Freidel (Perimeter Institute)


In this talk, I will show that In gravity, the subregion entanglement is controlled by a symmetry group called the corner symmetry group, which follows from invariance under diffeomorphism of the total space. This universal symmetry group gives us semi-classical phase space tools to understand quantum geometry in the continuum. It also constrains the entanglement structure of subregions. I will describe how this approach, called local holography, provides a bottom-up approach to quantum gravity where finding the corner symmetry group representations amount to quantizing geometry. If time permits, I will show that dynamics along null surfaces and asymptotic dynamics can be understood as charge conservation for a Carrollian fluid.

Presentation materials