10–14 Jul 2023
Radboud University Nijmegen
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Axion wormhole leading to expanding baby universes

12 Jul 2023, 14:00
CC5 (Radboud University)


Radboud University


Caroline Jonas (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam)


The existence of Euclidean wormholes contributing to the Euclidean path integral, and especially their (in)stability, is a long standing puzzle. It has implications both phenomenologically (by breaking the axion global shift symmetry, thus making it a possible dark matter candidate or large-field inflaton, and solving the strong CP-problem of QCD) and from a theoretical perspective, e.g. through the weak gravity conjecture. In this talk, I will describe a new type of Euclidean wormhole solutions in axion-gravity theories which lead to the nucleation of an expanding baby universe in Lorentzian time. This contrasts with the well-known Giddings-Strominger (GS) solutions that lead to a contracting baby universe in Lorentzian time. I will describe the key properties of these new solutions such as their action-to-charge ratio, and I will compare them to more standard GS-like wormhole solutions.

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