Oct 2 – 6, 2023
Sant'Elmo Beach Hotel
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Scientific Scope

Understanding the quantum structure of spacetime is a major research theme in theoretical physics. In the last decade quantum-field-theory-based approaches – either utilizing an effective field theory framework or targeting quantum field theories of gravity valid on all scales – have been in the focus of several national and international research initiatives. In particular, functional methods, including the renormalization group, Monte Carlo techniques, and the derivation of consistency bounds imposed from low-energy physics, have advanced to powerful tools driving these investigations. At the same time new observational channels probing the strong gravity regime may advance into an interesting arena for testing quantum gravity phenomenology in the future. Our workshop will bring together the leading researchers working in these research areas. Its program will give an overview of recent developments related to open fundamental questions (unitarity, causality, stability, and low-energy consistency bounds) as well as potential phenomenological consequences with respect to the physics of black holes, cosmology, and gravitational waves. Its goal is to sharpen the key questions which must be addressed in order to connect the fundamental and phenomenological branches in a meaningful way.

Prerequisits for the Tutorial Courses

We are very much looking forward to Gustavo de Brito and Benjamin Knorr introducing us to the world of handling flow equations within Mathematica. The prerequisits for the tutorial are summarized here. Please make sure that you have Mathematica and Xact running before the tutorial starts!

Registration deadlines

The registration for the event is closed.


The workshop will have a hybrid format, and online participation via streaming will be ensured. Online participants can participate on an equal footing in question sessions, discussions etc. Online talks will also be an option.

Confirmed Speakers, Tutors, and Panelists

  • Ivano Basile (LMU Munich)
  • Maximilan Becker (Radboud U., Nijmegen)
  • Alfio Bonanno (INAF and INFN, Catania)
  • Gustavo de Brito (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins)
  • Luca Buoninfante (Nordita)
  • Mariano Cadoni (Cagliari U.)
  • Kevin Falls (U. de la República de Uruguay)
  • Renata Ferrero (Mainz U.)
  • Steven Giddings (UC Santa Barbara)
  • Giulia Gubitosi (Naples U. and INFN Naples)
  • Aaron Held (Jena U.)
  • Benjamin Knorr (Nordita)
  • Cristobal Laporte (Radboud U.)
  • Rafael Lino dos Santos (CP3-Origins, U. of Southern Denmark)
  • Daniel Litim (Sussex U.)
  • Renate Loll (Radboud U.)
  • Tim Morris (Southampton U.)
  • Max Niedermaier (U. of Pittsburgh)
  • Carlo Pagani (Mainz U.)
  • Enrico Pajer (Cambridge U.)
  • Jan Pawlowski (Heidelberg U.)
  • Joao Penedones (Ecole Polytechnique Lausanne)
  • Roberto Percacci (SISSA)
  • Antonio Pereira (Radboud U. and Niteroi, Fluminense U.)
  • Manuel Reichert (Sussex U.)
  • Kasia Rejzner (York U.)
  • Marc Schiffer (Perimeter I.)
  • Sebastian Steinhaus (Jena U.)
  • Christof Wetterich (Heidelberg U.)
  • Masatoshi Yamada (Jilin U.)







Organization Committee

  • Astrid Eichhorn
  • Alessia Platania
  • Frank Saueressig
  • Gian Paolo Vacca (local organizer)
  • Luca Zambelli (local organizer)