10–14 Jul 2023
Radboud University Nijmegen
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Testing The Cosmological Principle In A Quantum Universe

14 Jul 2023, 14:15
CC5 (Radboud University)


Radboud University

Mercatorpad 1 Nijmegen


Agustín Silva (Radboud University)


There are not many tools to quantitatively monitor the emergence of classical geometric features from a quantum spacetime, whose microscopic structure may be a highly quantum-fluctuating “spacetime foam”. To improve this situation,we introduce new quantum observables that allow us to measure the absolute and relative homogeneity and isotropy of geometric properties of a nonperturbative quantum universe, as function of a chosen averaging scale. This opens a new way to compare results obtained in full quantum gravity to descriptions of the early universe that assume homogeneity and isotropy at the outset. Our construction is purely geometric and does not depend on a background metric. We illustrate the viability of the new observables by a nontrivial application to two-dimensional Lorentzian quantum gravity formulated in terms of a path integral over Causal Dynamical Triangulations, and find some evidence of quantum inhomogeneity and anisotropy. This paves the way for future test of these observables in the emergent universe of 4 dimensional CDT, where current results indicate that a quasi-De Sitter spacetime emerges from full quantum gravity with no a priori symmetry assumptions.

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