10–14 Jul 2023
Radboud University Nijmegen
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Invariant observables in quantum gravity and corrections to the Newton potential

14 Jul 2023, 14:15
CC3 (Radboud University)


Radboud University

Mercatorpad 1 Nijmegen


Markus B. Fröb (ITP, Universität Leipzig, Germany)


I report on recent progress in the computation of gauge-invariant relational observables around highly symmetric backgrounds, to arbitrary orders in perturbative quantum gravity and without introducing extra fields which change the dynamics. I then explain how one can compute quantum gravitational corrections to the Newtonian gravitational potential of a point particle using these observables. The one-loop results consist of two parts: the first stems from graviton loops and agrees with the correction derived by other methods, while the second one is sourced by the quantum fluctuations of the particle's position and energy-momentum, and may be viewed as an analog of a "Zitterbewegung". Based on arXiv:2303.16218, arXiv:2109.09753, and references therein.

Presentation materials