29–31 Mar 2023
Huygens building, Radboud University
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Brownian surfaces

31 Mar 2023, 14:15
Huygens building, Radboud University

Huygens building, Radboud University

Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen


Jérémie Bettinelli (École polytechnique)


Similarly to Brownian motion, which appears as the universal scaling limit of any reasonable random walk, Brownian surfaces are random metric spaces that appear as the universal scaling limit of reasonable models of random maps of a given surface. These objects generalize the Brownian sphere of Miermont and Le Gall, which is obtained when considering random maps of the sphere.

We will present Brownian surfaces and give some of their remarkable properties. This work is in common with Grégory Miermont.

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