2–6 Oct 2023
Sant'Elmo Beach Hotel
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Towards understanding the predictivety of asymptotically safe f(R)-gravity

3 Oct 2023, 11:45


Maximilian Becker


In this talk, I compare two complementary ways of calculating critical exponents in the f(R)-truncation. The first of these is the standard way employed in FRG-based calculations, in which the couplings' anomalous dimensions are functions of the couplings themselves. The second way amounts to calculating critical exponents for a given fixed value of the couplings' anomalous dimensions. On a technical level, these can be obtained using a composite-operator FRG equation. The results for both calculation paths agree only for small order in the polynomial-R truncation and deviate from each other substantially for larger-order polynomial-R truncations. I will give an insight into why that is the case and will outline implications for the predictivety of the f(R)-truncation.

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