2–6 Oct 2023
Sant'Elmo Beach Hotel
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Corrections to Schwarzschild geometry from the two-loop counterterm

6 Oct 2023, 09:45


Cristobal Laporte


The quantization of general relativity predicts corrections to the
gravitational dynamics. The most prominent local correction, which is non-vanishing
in a vacuum, is the two-loop counterterm identified by Goroff and Sagnotti.
In this talk, I will discuss how this correction term manifests itself in the
Schwarzschild geometry, inducing wormholes and non-Schwarzschild black holes
with cosmological horizons. Remarkably, its inclusion in the gravitational dynamics
does not generate quantum hair – asymptotically flat, static, spherical solutions
are still determined in terms of a single parameter, the asymptotic mass.

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